About Us

Geotechnics was established in 1998 and specializes in Geotechnical Engineering Services, Pavement Testing and Evaluation; and Testing of Construction Materials. Other services include waste management studies, road traffic studies, hydrological studies, hydraulic analysis and concrete bridge design.Geotechnics has a well-equipped modern laboratory, providing excellent laboratory testing services for the civil engineering industry. The scope of testing includes soils, concrete, aggregates, rock, construction water, and manufactured products.

Geotech Offices


We operates from our own premises located on plot no 4621 in Monarch Industrial area of Francistown. The property includes offices for professional staff and a laboratory warehouse. The staff compliment includes civil engineers, engineering geologists and laboratory technicians.

The company owns complete sets of laboratory equipment for testing of:

  • Soils (classification and strength tests)
  • Rock (strength tests)
  • Crushed stone (classification and strength tests)
  • Concrete (mix designs, workability, and crushing strength tests)
  • Field tests including plate loading tests; field relative compaction; concrete coring; non-destructive tests on concrete; DCP soundings etc)


The firm is managed by the following experts:

  • H U Gideon, BSc Civil Eng; MSc (Engineering): Managing Director. Mr Gideon has more than 30 years post graduate experience.
  • A N Nanyaro, BSc Geology; PGD (Engineering Geology): Principal Geotechnical Engineer. Mr. Nanyaro has more than 25years post graduate experience.
  • M E Chiwanga, BSc Civil Eng; MSc (Materials and Pavement Engineering): Quality Assurance Engineer. Mr. Chiwanga has more than 30 years post graduate experience.

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